What is the best brush for my dog?
This is the question that everyone asks but few know what is actually the correct answer. All brushes are to brush through a dog's coat, sounds simple enough! However, this is when the distinct differences of what is the best brush for me and my dog, start to be made clearer.
A brush has 3 distinct purposes.
- To allow optimum brushing for your dog's coat type.
- To allow you the ability to do this the efficiently.
- To ensure dogs comfort and reduce the users joint and muscle stress.
Plush Puppy recognizes the importance of these 3 key issues hence the development of the Ultimate Brush Range. This consists of 7 uniquely designed brushes in the range. Each of the 7 brushes unique design has a distinctive difference for their specific purpose and results.

Our Ultimate range of brushes have been created using ergonomically designed highest quality beechwood handles, perfect shape and weight balance. This is for maximum brush contact of the coat for efficiency of brushing, the comfort for the dog and equally the importance of comfort and joint and muscle stress reduction for the user. This entire Ultimate range is exclusively made for Plush Puppy. All these brushes are made to last.
OK, back to the real question. What brush is best for my dog?
All coats are not the same. Some are soft, fine and silky. Other coats range from medium to long up to extra-long flowing coats. Some are a double coat with a distinctive courser topcoat and a dense softer under coat. Your dog may be a denser curly type. If may be a wiry terrier type coat. Each coat type has a brush designed for your dog and the needs of that specific coats type.
Plush Puppy Ultimate Soft Slicker Brush - Our meticulously designed Ultimate Soft Slicker has a very special cushion design to gain the softness required by the best Professional Groomers. The stainless-steel pins have been designed at the optimum angle for softness and effectiveness. A 'must-have' brush in every professional groomers kit. Ideal for de-matting and individualising the coat. Truly the best slicker on the market. Ergonomically designed for the groomer with maximum brush contact for efficiency of brushing and softness.
A truly remarkable brush, the soft gentle feel yet with the ability to get through the densest of coats. The quality of the pins combined with its perfect shape and balance is a pleasure to use for both dog and owner. The resulting finish and hair separation to the coat is like no other slicker.
Plush Puppy Ultimate Pure Boar Bristle - Is made from 20mm 100% pure black boar bristle and is of the highest quality bristle from the chest of the boar. The bristles are set into the finest quality aerolastic rubber base.
This is your soft and silky coat type brush. Yet is also perfect using on shorter coated breeds for a smoothing and polishing brush. The 100% pure black boar bristle are the softest and gentlest on coats, leaving the coat with a wonderful finish and shine.
Plush Puppy Ultimate Anti-Static Porcupine Brush - Consists of 14mm Boar Bristles 100% black boar bristles with 20mm dialon porcupine pins (dialon has been used instead of nylon due to its superior anti-static properties). This brush is anti-static with its porcupine pins designed to remove tangles and loose coat. Set into the finest quality aerolastic cushion base.
This is your slightly softer coat to a lighter density double coat finishing brush. It is a finishing/styling brush due to the combination of the 2 different types of bristles used for brushing. This combination of dialon pins that allow great ability to get through the coat and the 100% black boar bristles that have a gentle yet smoothing effect of the coat. The perfect brush to use as a finishing brush on ¾ dry coats, as it enables you to maximise the contact with the coat and finish dry to the style and result you require.
Plush Puppy Ultimate Pin Regular Brush - This regular 21mm length pin is ideal for all breed grooming. Polished pins with specially rounded tips and is set into the finest quality aeroelastic rubber base. Ideal for blow-drying and particularly necessary on coated breeds. Ergonomically designed for the groomer with maximum brush contact for efficiency of brushing.
This is your go to pin brush when you want the best results. Perfect for most coats that require a pin brush for drying, refreshing a coat at shows or maintenance brushing. The perfect weight and balance of this brush is a joy to use. The specific highly polished pins with the rounded tips enable this brush to greatly reduce stress on your dog's coat and skin. The results are so very clear once using this brush.
Plush Puppy Ultimate Long Pin Brush - With 27mm long pins our Ultimate Long Pin will be a popular grooming brush for many full coated breeds. The polished pins are durable with rounded tips, set into a robust aerolastic rubber base. This is an ideal brush for blow-drying many breeds. Again, it's ergonomically designed for the groomer with maximum brush contact for efficiency of brushing.
The perfect brush for those longer coated breeds, that require a slightly longer pin length to enable efficiency and ease of brushing and drying.
Plush Puppy Ultimate Extra Long Pin Brush - Offering 35mm long polished pins with rounded tips that are securely set into an aeroelastic rubber base. Ergonomically designed for the groomer with maximum brush contact for efficiency of brushing. Ideal for very long flowing coated breeds.
Finally, a brush specifically designed for dogs with that extra-long coat length. The 35mm rounded polished pins enable greatly increased efficiency for maximum easy of brushing and drying of extra-long coat types.
Plush Puppy Ultimate Thick Pin Brush is designed with 20mm thick robust pins that won't bend under pressure. This iconic brush will flow through the coat leaving a smooth, sleek, swinging result.
This is for those thick, dense, and hard to get through coats situations. Many breeds have coats that don't allow a "normal" pin brush to efficiently brush and dry. This thick pin allows the pins to penetrate these coats to ensure the coat roots to coat tips are correctly and thoroughly brushed.
Plush Puppy with this amazing and unique Ultimate range of the highest quality brushes, enables you to use the best possible brush to suit every coat type. Quality does make the difference and the results show. Preparing a dog takes valuable time. Using the right Ultimate brush allows this time spent to achieve the greatest results the most efficiently and comfortably that you and your dog deserve.
Plush Puppy Australia